Bhakshak Hindi Movie
Bhakshak is an upcoming Indian Bollywood crime thriller movie directed by Pulkit and produced by Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma under banner Red Chillies Entertainment. The film stars Bhumi Pednekar as an investigative journalist(Vaishali Singh), Sanjay Mishra as Baskar Sinha, Sai Tamhankar as SSP Jameet Gaur and Aditya Srivastava as Bansi Sahu. It is scheduled for premiere on Netflix on 9 February 2024. Principal photography began in January 2022 and concluded within a short 39 days, wrapping up in February 2022.Bhakshak Hindi Movie Trailer
Source: YouTube(Netflix India)
Bhakshak Hindi Movie
Bhakshak is a crime thriller film that follows the journey of an unwavering woman's quest to seek justice and her perseverance in getting a heinous crime to light. The film is set in present-day India and stars Bhumi Pednekar as an investigative journalist who is determined to expose a powerful criminal network.
Bhakshak Hindi Movie Cast & Crew:
- Movie: Bhakshak
- Cast: Bhumi Pednekar, Sanjay Mishra, Sai Tamhankar, Aditya Srivastava
- Director: Pulkit
- Producer: Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma
- Production company: Red Chillies Entertainment
- Release date: February 9, 2024
- Genre: Crime thriller
- Language: Hindi
- Bhakshak OTT Release Date: Netflix on February 9, 2024
Bhakshak Hindi Movie
The film's teaser was released on January 10, 2024, and it received a positive response from critics and audiences alike. The teaser praised Pednekar's performance and the film's gritty and suspenseful tone.
Bhakshak is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on February 9, 2024.