Thankamani Movie
Thankamani is an upcoming Indian Mollywood crime thriller movie directed by Ratheesh Reghunandan and produced by R. B. Choudary under Super Good Films and Raaffi Mathirra under Iffaar Media. The film stars Dileep, Sudev Nair & Pranitha Subhash, being the 148th film of Dileep.Thankamani Malayalam Movie Teaser
Source: YouTube(Saina Movies)
Thankamani Movie Cast & Crew:
- Movie: Thankamani
- Cast: Dileep, Sudev Nair & Pranitha Subhash
- Director: Ratheesh Reghunandan
- Producer: RB Choudary & Raaffi Mathirra
- Banner: Super Good Films
- Music by: William Francis
- DOP by: Manoj Pillai
- Edited by: Shyam Sasidharan
- Release date: February 16, 2024
- Genre: Crime thriller
- Thankamani OTT Release Date: TBA
Thankamani Movie
The film is based on a real-life incident that occurred in Thankamany, a village in Idukki district, Kerala, on October 21, 1986. A dispute erupted between students of the village and a private bus owner over the lack of bus service in the area. The dispute escalated into a violent clash, resulting in the death of a student and injuries to several others.
The film follows the story of Dileep's character, who is a police officer investigating the incident. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a complex web of corruption and political intrigue.
The film was announced in January 2023 and principal photography began in March 2023. The film was shot in various locations in Kerala, including Thankamany, Kottayam, and Idukki.
Release: The film is scheduled to be released in theaters worldwide on February 16, 2024.